埃尔迈拉大学 can start you on the path toward several rewarding career options in the communication sciences field.

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作为一名语言病理学家, your work can help people in many different ways, from overcoming stuttering and articulation issues to treating feeding and swallowing disorders. Speech-language pathologists can play a crucial role with helping the youngest generations develop early language skills, teaching people with autism to communicate using speech devices, or helping those with cognitive disorders or head injuries recover language skills, according to the American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA). A little more than half of speech-language pathologists work in K-12 schools, while more than a third work in healthcare. 在那里 are also employment opportunities in higher education, 在那里你可以教书, participate in research that could produce new discoveries, 担任顾问, 并教育公众.  


A majority of 听力学家s become employed in healthcare settings. 在那里, you will be able to help people of all ages, whether it is performing a newborn's first hearing screening or training a client about how to use and care for an assistive listening device. You'll also be able to create different rehabilitation programs based on a patient's needs, or work with people whose balance and hearing has been impaired by a traumatic brain injury, 根据ASHA.

Audiologists can also play a prominent role in educational settings. where they not only provide hearing screenings and support for families with children with hearing loss, but also help children advocate for their own communication needs, train 老师s and staff about how to better help students with hearing difficulties, and coordinate rehabilitation activities with 老师s, 根据ASHA. 在学院和大学水平, an 听力学家's work can include educating future generations of 听力学家s, serving as an expert on advisory boards, research into hearing and balance disorders, 教育社区.

Many CSD occupations require at least a master's degree. Fore more information about state requirements for licensure, visit the 亚莎的网站.




job growth is projected for speech-language pathologists between 2021-2031 (much faster than average)

资料来源:美国.S. 劳工统计局

of speech-language pathologists work in educational services

资料来源:美国.S. 劳工统计局


Graduates of our 通信科学 & 障碍 programs have been able to help many people through organizations such as: 

  • 美国聋人学校
  • 安德森自闭症学校
  • 阿肯色耳鼻中心 & 喉咙
  • 亚特兰大听力学顾问
  • 中行
  • 广州地区学区
  • 康克林盲人中心
  • 多尼戈尔学区
  • 东罗切斯特学区
  • 手指湖听力学
  • 旗舰康复
  • 格伦斯福尔斯医院
  • 听到生活
  • 传统基督教服务
  • 欣厄姆公立学校
  • 纽黑文学区
  • 明日之星儿童治疗
  • St. 卡米勒斯康复中心
  • St. 卢克的爱达荷麋鹿听证会 & 平衡中心
  • 俄勒冈诊所
  • 海岸言语治疗
  • 杜克大学
  • 早期干预
  • 约翰霍普金斯医院
  • 儿童治疗服务
  • National Technical Institute for the Deaf
  • 罗彻斯特总医院
  • 康复资源
  • 沃特金斯格伦中央学区
  • 布法罗州立大学

Our Alumni have worked in positions including sign language interpreter, 语言病理学家, 语言治疗师助理, 老师, 听力学家, 实施培训, 沟通障碍主任, 特殊教育教师, 行为治疗师, 案例管理器, 


Our Office of 职业生涯 服务 can help you take the next steps with your EC education.

